Creating a brighter future for the elephants
We are passionately committed to creating a kinder, compassionate world for the elephants and all creatures sharing our planet.
We are a sanctuary home where elephants can thrive and live in peace, as ambassadors for the wild.
If the elephants and the forests survive, so will the planet.

Kong is from Nakon Si Thammarat in Southern Thailand and he is one of the most experienced and respected elephant professionals in Thailand. He has played a pivotal role in introducing Hidden Forest to Phuket to change the lives for captive elephants in tourism.
Kong has spent the last 40 years working with and caring for elephants, learning from his father and grandfather. His knowledge is extensive and he oversees the health, care and welfare of all our beautiful elephants, bringing his lifetime of experience to move forward elephant welfare from traditional practices.
Kong's deep rooted compassion and commitment to heal animals includes the recovery of many sick, injured and old elephants. He literally brings life back into worn out broken souls with this patience and expert understanding of their genuine needs. He is calm, gentle, caring and kind, and a true animal lover.

Louise Rogerson
Louise is from the UK and has lived in Asia since 1997. She has been working with captive elephants since 2010, with her love of elephants originating in Sri Lanka when she was just 7 years old. Whilst volunteering at an elephant project in Thailand, Louise met an elephant named Tong Teh who ultimately changed her life direction. Tong Teh sadly passed away on November 2011 and Louise has dedicated her life to helping elephants since then.
Louise has successfully spearheaded campaigns, assisted and created elephant sanctuaries, and rescued and rehabilitated elephants. In 2016, Louise partnered with a local Thai family to bring the first non-bathing elephant project to Phuket, changing the course of ethical elephant tourism on the island. Louise is passionate about transitioning elephant tourism by giving visitors to Asia the opportunity to choose a compassionate, gentle approach to experiencing elephants.
Over the years, Louise has rescued many animals both great and small, she is vegan and strongly believes in a creating a kinder world. You will find Louise amongst the elephants at Hidden Forest where she loves meeting and chatting with guests, and she very much looks forward to welcoming you.

Russell Withers
Russell is from the UK and has been working with Asian elephants since 2015 in both Thailand and Cambodia. He blends a history of international marketing, social media, technology, sales, business process, and photography.
In 2016, Russell was a founding member of the team bringing the first ethical elephant project to Phuket, and he is passionate about helping to change the course of elephant tourism. He believes that with the right help and guidance, traditional elephant trekking camps can transition to a compassionate, ‘elephant first’ model, whilst still providing a livelihood. Russell truly believes that putting animal welfare first is the way forward for the elephant tourism industry; no bathing, no riding, no shows, just elephants being elephants.